All about Nick Jonas

Full name : Nicholas Jerry Jonas

Nicknames : Nick J and Mr President

Birthday : 16 September 1992

Born in : Dallas , Texas , USA

Favourite Colour : Blue

Favourite song : 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder

Favourite Bands : Switchfoot , Fall Out Boy , Maroon 5 , Johnny Cash , The Animals and The Rascals.

Hobbies : Music, Songwriting , Baseball , Collecting baseball cards and tennis

Favourtie Actress : Keri Lynn

Favourite Actor : Matt Long

Favourite Movie : Finding Neverland

Favourite TV Shows : Lost and Heroes

Favourite Food : Steak and his mother's egg casserole dish

Sleep Fact : Nick can fall asleep in the most uncomfortable positions

Health Fact : Nick's eyes are supersensitive to light and in November 2005 he found out that he had type 1 diabetes.

Celebrity Crushes : Miley Cyrus , Jordan Pruitt , Anna Kournikova , Brenda Song and Camilla Belle.


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