All about the Jonas Brothers

Names : Joseph Adam Jonas , Nicholas Jerry Jonas and Paul Kevin Jonas II

Date of births : Joe was born on August 15 1989 , Nick was born on September 16 1992 and Kevin was born on November 5 1987.

Born : New Jersey

Family : Mother - Denise , Father - Kevin Sr and little brother Freddie

The brothers are committed  Evangelical Christians and they wear Purity Rings on their left-hand ring finger and have vowed not to have  premarital sex.

There father is a former pastor and they were homeschooled.

The jonas brothers have strarred in many things such as Camp Rock , Hannah Montana and also of course Jonas Brothers : Living the Dream.

The Jonas Brothers albums are called Jonas Brothers , It's about time and  A little bit longer. A little bit longer was released in the US on August 12 2008.

Nick Jonas was diagonsed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 13.


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